overthunk ltd. A Solitary Software Production

3D portrait of a weird little guy

Hello 👋🏻

My name is Mani and I am a software engineer/amateur photographer. I currently live in NYC with my wife, Khia and our 2 cats, Josie and Jean-François "Champ" Champollion .

I've been writing code and building things since I was a young lad and got my hands on a Lego Mindstorms . That sparked my love for hacking together fun and silly things and I pursue that passion every day.

I enjoy designing user experiences, building lightweight & effective tools that solve problems, real or contrived and contributing to open-source projects. I'm working on deepening my understanding of PL Theory, Compilers, Distributed Systems & Mechanistic Interpretability of ML models

Recurse Center

I recently completed a 12-week batch(W2'24) at the Recurse Center . I wanted to spend time re-orienting myself and explore what I enjoyed about programming (and find a community of like-minded engineers/artists in NYC).

During my batch, I focused on -
  • Building CLI tools in Rust
  • Learning the fundamentals of Microservices & Neural Networks via self-organized study groups
  • Becoming a better Programmer by engaging my curiosity & building continuously
  • Programming Language Theory via Stanford CS242 & Crafting Interpreters

Hire me!

I also build websites for people for fun & profit. My most recent commission was building vramesh.com . If you'd like to hire me to build you a website or for a full-time SWE Role, please reach out to me!


This website has several inspirations. I love the open nature of the web, precisely for how easy it is to view-source and understand how something cool works!

Shoutout to

Made with Astro.js , Styled with Tailwind and hosted on Vercel .

Source Code